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Found 3 results

  1. I'm looking to get a new scroll saw (to replace a 1980's Craftsman). We've been replacing all our equipment with quieter systems, so I want to get something on the quieter side. I'm looking at the Seyco, Pegas, and Dewalt...and maybe Excalibur. Is there any data out there for dB level for these? Any owners want to use a phone noise level app and let me know what the approximate dB level is on your machine while cutting? Thanks!
  2. Hey Everyone! In this viewer requested video, I give you all the information I have in my head on selecting the best scroll saw blade for your projects! I do my best to talk about the various types of scroll saw blades out their. Hope you all the video and I hope it helps some new Scrollers! #ArtisanPirate
  3. So, got a little shock when I opened up the latest SSW&C. Evidently, Pegas just released what they call an "Overhaul" to the Excalibur (and Clones) scroll saws. I wouldn't call it an overhaul, but it is a complete replacement for the top and bottom clamp mechanism. For those that are very experience with the EX, you know there is some room for improvement here. Seyco has a milder enhancement also. The new Pegas Clamp replacement is supposed to be 40% lighter for less vibration, easier to use, and etc. Here is a peek: Here is a better peek from a Vendor here: https://www.dictum.com/en/tools/woodworking-metalworking/saws/mitre-saws-saw-guides/704769/pegas-saw-blade-holder-complete-set So, to be clear, this would work for EX, clones (Axminster, Carbatec, Pegas, King, and Excelsior) and Seyco. Anyway, I'm excited. The product doesn't show up on the Pegas web site yet, but at least this one vendor has it, and the SSWC ad says it is coming in "January 2018"
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