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  1. One of the most annoying things about the internet are the ads. They’re everywhere! And some of them are really obnoxious. One way to battle that is that some users choose to use ad blocking software, which works great for the user! Unfortunately, it also hurts small website operators who rely on ad revenue to pay for our hosting fees, domain names, software licenses and other services. I think a lot of people would be surprised how much time, energy, and money it takes to maintain an awesome community that provides free advice, tutorials, patterns, and long-lasting friendships. Here at SSV, we don’t have the luxury of a large publishing company to flip the bill. I’m not saying to disable your Ad Blocker. But if you go to sites you truly enjoy, consider supporting those websites by “White Listing” them so they are allowed to show ads. This simple gesture goes a long way in supporting small content creators so they can continue to bring you amazing free content. If you want to help SSV directly, you can also consider becoming a premium member. As a premium member, ads are automatically turned off. There’s a few other fun little perks too, but the No Ad experience is the big one. Thanks for listening. Back to the fun stuff…scrolling.
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