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Found 2 results

  1. Back on Feb 26 I posted a question asking for comments on the DW788 ("Any comments on the DeWalt DW788 scroll saw?") I want to thank everyone for the many positive responses on this saw. At first I thought it was out of my budget, but I came across a special sale from one of the big box stores that saved me almost $200 off the list price, including shipping and sales tax. it arrived in-store last Friday and I picked it up on Sunday morning. It came basically pre-assembled except for the table (it weighs a ton - seems like maybe 1/3 to 1/2 of the total weight of the saw !!!) and a couple bolts and thumbscrews. It's a dream compared to my old 16" Craftsman. I haven't had time to do more than a few basic tests cuts, but I can't wait to start on projects. Again, many thanks to "The Village People." Without your overwhelmingly positive comments I would never have gone ahead and purchased the DW788. Now if only I can find an old posting here for an easy to use script font for scrolling. -aj43
  2. I'm finally back in the shop. some what. I'm goin' a few hours a day, tryin' to. I was informed i over did it yesterday, so I got grounded today:( but I did get the piece cut, sanded, & stained for the project i started before went down. That piece is the bottom of the box. It is now installed & glued in place.:) I've also got some feathers on wood ready for the saw.:) A little at a time.:):) thank you all for your prayers & support! they are still working!!!:):)
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