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Trouble with the Delta 40-694


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You may remember I picked this saw up before Christmas. Ever since I've owned it I thought it was overly aggressive and on delicate work I'd defer to the hawk. I would over run cuts and the blade would "bounce" round tight corners, I put this down to my inexperience even though I didn't have this problem on the hawk.

 Well I was watching a you tube video by Steve Good about this and he was addressing the front to back movement or the blade and how to measure it. He recommended about 1mm of movement so I decided to measure mine, low and behold mine seemed to be moving about 2.5 mm.  Steve mentioned a mod to correct this so I found a video showing the modification, it's basically enlarging the bolt holes on the lower arm so it can move forward a fraction. I've done the mod and the aggressiveness has decreased quite a bit, I'm at about 1.5 mm travel now I still need to remove a tad more material but I'm happy with the results so far.

I haven't linked the videos but if anyone needs them I'll be happy to.

I'm just posting this Incase anyone else has this problem, I really had been wondering how all you DeWalt/ Delta guys were making these smooth tight turns and shame on Delta quality control! 😱🤣🤣


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