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  1. LarryEA


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  2. Jim Blume

    Jim Blume


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  3. Ken O

    Ken O


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  4. Woodrush



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/29/2021 in Posts

  1. 11 points
  2. Here was all the orders I did for people at work. I always stack cut 3 at a time. I'm good til next year. The Fox and Raven was just me messing around. I adjusted the slot after I took these pictures to make the Santas and Snowmen line up properly. The pattern was off a little.
    5 points
  3. Had to do some on the table editing as I cut it 8.5x11 instead of 11x14
    4 points
  4. OSU Buckeye

    Tree of Life

    When I saw a youtube video of someone who did a scroll saw tutorial on the tree of life....it convinced me to get into the hobby. So I bought a scroll saw and made this my first project. I decided to attach a photo as well for the background. Also added a white backing so the light would show through a bit. I put the finished tree of life on the window sill.
    3 points
  5. Some new cuttings - Home sign for each season, projects size 7,5 x 8 inches, 3 layers 1/8 inch Video of making project Home patterns
    3 points
  6. This is my second from Jim Blume's Americana series and I plan to cut at least one more. Like the first which was a wagon wheel, this is cut from 1/4 Maple ply stained natural with multi coats of spray clear gloss sanded between each coat. The back is 1/4 Pine. The frame is cut from a 1X Pine board that I actually tried out my new router for the first time. The frame is stained with and antique oak. I'm posting two pics. One of the single finished project and another with both I have cut. I feel they complement each other.
    2 points
  7. Merry Christmas, Scrollers! My cat loving wife loved this one.
    2 points
  8. I'm finally getting back into my woodshop and making something again. Health issues had just about completely put an end to my woodworking two years ago. I lost almost total use of my right leg, and none of the doctors could figure out what was wrong with me. Then last January a mild, but large bruise formed on and around my right knee, and the pain started going away. By about April I was able to put weight on it, but then it took me until about June to walk on it without cane or crutches. The bruise gradually went away along with the pain. I still have some balance problems, but I'm walking again. Just not nearly as well as before all this. I started going back out to the shop in the Fall, but at first I just stayed an hour or so, looking around, and then went back to the house. My son was doing the required maintenance for me when something absolutely needed to be done, but his idea of putting tools and supplies back when finished using them is in a pile just inside the shop door. I still have a significant pile to put away, but I was eager to see if I could make reindeer again. This one is the first in almost 2 years. I made 7 total Wednesday afternoon of the two larger sizes that I make. This is Mrs. Rudolf, slightly smaller than Rudy, the largest, who is almost 4" tall. She is about 3 1/4" tall. The next size down from the Mrs. is Trudy the teen daughter and then the smallest is ear ring size at about 7/8" tall and I call him Rudy Jr. I named the sizes years ago as a way of keeping track of the quantities and sizes that I was making. I've actually made smaller, at about 1/2" tall, but the average success rate of about 4 good in 10 made me quit. I've been making reindeer every year since 2004, except for these last 2 years. Well, with these, this year now isn't a total bust, so only one year, last year, without making any. Every Christmas Season I've just been making and then giving them away to any woman who helps me in some way during the Christmas Season. Every sales clerk, waitress, nurse, etc. gets one if they want it. For some strange reason, the women and teen girls seem to love these things. Most men are insulted if offered one, but I do give them away to woodworkers who want them. As I wish the women a "Very Merry Christmas" at the completion of my business with them, I hold my hand out palm down with a reindeer in it, then drop it in their hand when they reach out. Their excitement makes it worth doing. I've been hugged and even kissed on the cheek, but the smile Is all I'm after, and the chance to improve the "Christmas Spirit" in them. I lost exact count, but it's somewhere around 15,000 total reindeer that I've made since starting this. Reindeer are not the only thing that I make, but it usually keeps me busy from September on, when I'm in the shop and not working on a larger or more pressing project. I took this photo immediately after cutting her out. No eyes or red nose yet, Not even de-fuzzed yet. The eyes and nose are put on with black and red marking pens after de-fuzzing. Then a coat of clear lacquer. These were completed yesterday, before we went shopping, and one has already been given away. I've been avoiding it as much as possible this year, but Suzanne wants to go to the big mall, and traffic is very likely to be a mess around there. She doesn't handle driving in heavy traffic well any more. I don't either, but she thinks I do better than her, but we are very likely to make this venture to the Concord Mills Mall today, so I doubt I'll be making any more reindeer before Christmas this year. Hopefully, I'll be able to get started early and make a bunch of them before the Christmas Season next year. For those interested, that's the clamp that I used to hold the pieces of the reindeer blank together while I'm cutting it, and most 3D patterns, that the reindeer is sitting next to. It's about 6" long and made from 12 mm Baltic Birch plywood about 1" wide, two 6" long pieces of #8-32 stainless steel all thread, four hex nuts, two #8-32 wing nuts, six #8 flat washers. Only the all thread needs to be stainless. I use the stainless steel all thread because the mild steel version are too soft and stretch easily with many repeated uses. I don't have that trouble with the stainless all thread. Charley Attachments First 2021 Reindeer IMG_20211221_161725.jpg 78.8 KB · Views: 15
    1 point
  9. Nickel Falls

    American Eagle

    Everything in black is epoxy resin Botas pattern
    1 point
  10. Woodrush


    Going to add some colour
    1 point
  11. kmmcrafts

    Messages, PM,s

    Is it just me or has the message's disappeared? I usually have a spot in the upper right that has a icon of a envelope for the messages.. It's been gone now for a couple days at least. Thought it might be because I hadn't paid my membership so I paid that and I still have no mail icon. I've looked in the drop down menu under my name / icon and there doesn't seem to be any way to access messages. My guess is Ray ( @OCtoolguy) somehow got us all jailed.. don't know how he did it but he's good at being jailed on FB.. must have done something really bad to ban our messages here too,
    1 point
  12. Dan

    Messages, PM,s

    Haha! I guess I should have read Melanie's post before I sent Kevin a message.
    1 point
  13. OCtoolguy

    Messages, PM,s

    I noticed it missing a few days ago.
    1 point
  14. kmmcrafts

    Messages, PM,s

    Well I get a number notification where the envelope used to be indicating I have a new message and can access messages that way. I don't see any way to get to my inbox though if I have no message there, LOL. Maybe I'll check another browser, currently using windows 10 with Chrome. Edit: Doesn't show up on Microsoft Edge either...
    1 point
  15. Rolf, I use pine selected for minimum and light growth rings for the larger sizes to keep them from looking like Zebras after cutting and to keep the cost down since I make so many. A carpenter friend was dropping off 2 X Shorts of SPF for me that I was cutting down to 3/4 thickness, but the growth ring problem had increased to the point that 2 years ago I had told him to stop. The smaller reindeer usually don't survive cutting, let alone handling if cut from pine. For me, cherry burns too easily when cut, so I've gone to using hard maple, especially for the ear ring 7/8" tall size. I was using the same maple when cutting the 1/2", but at that size their legs become so thin during cutting that they are just way too delicate, if they even survive the cutting. Two and three legged reindeer live in my scrap bin. The stork and reindeer in your photo look very nice. Diana Thompson's pattern books for 3-D characters are about the best available. Have you made the mailbox yet? It's in the same book. I modified her pattern because her mailbox flag comes out of the top center of the mailbox. The change that I made makes a separate piece for the flag, but within the block of wood being cut for the mailbox. Then I glue the flag on after I finish the cutting. It's the only pattern from her books that I have modified. Charley
    1 point
  16. These were for some people at work so I don't do anything with them. They all plan on painting them up. The snowflakes I kept that I posted the other day were sprayed with white paint and then glitter spray. They look really cool.
    1 point
  17. I found a copy of it on my computer so I must have downloaded it at the time. I want to modify the design so that instead of using the 2 inch port I will be able to fit the nozzle of my existing setup into it from the left side of the saw. I don't have a 3d printer but our library does. Regarding the table, when mine gets to a point where it bothers me I will sand off the remaining finish and wax the plain metal.
    1 point
  18. Ray it is 1-1/2 x 3/4 x 3" and the pattern was in one of last years SSWWC issues. It is in the Spring 2021 issue of SSWWC. It is a Diana Thompson design.
    1 point
  19. They are all very nice cutting, but do you not finish them? At the very least, they should have a topcoat of lacquer or poly.
    1 point
  20. YES. Keeping up with the Honey Do List is essential to one's survival. I'm retired so I was thinking I'd have more time to work in the shop. Sadly however, my Honey Do List has turned into a scroll, a never ending one too. LOL We don't have snakes up here nor grass this time of year, but I'm getting tired of shoveling snow. It's keeping me from working in my shop.
    1 point
  21. I'll make sure I get them all to you. I may have not loaded them all up in the files here.
    1 point
  22. Thanks! Now that I have the saw back in the basement for the winter I can do a little more work.
    1 point
  23. Wow! Someone has been busy! Excellent job.
    1 point
  24. Glad to see that you are on the mend! I could not imagine being out of my shop for that long. I lovemaking the reindeer, not as many as you. Giving them as gifts like that is a wonderful idea! I usually cut the small ones at our wood working show it is fun to watch the reactions people have when the little guy falls out of the middle. I usually use Cherry when I make the real small ones or any tight grained wood.
    1 point
  25. Foxfold

    Cat in the Hat

    Love the 'furry' bits. !! Love the cutting, it's beautiful ,,, but like @barb.j.enders said, 'Cat in the Hat' meant something else to me.
    1 point
  26. Tbow388

    A Lot of Work Indian

    Danny There is only a very very small amount of cuts with a spiral blade. maybe 5. I prefer to use regular blades as I can be more exact.
    1 point
  27. Nickel Falls

    Male Unicorn

    Pattern by Worthington House
    1 point
  28. Woodrush

    Wolf pup

    Jim Blume pattern for my native friend
    1 point
  29. wombatie

    Cat in the Hat

    That is so sweet. Great work. Marg
    1 point
  30. Dan

    Cat in the Hat

    I'm not a cat person but that one sure is cute. Great job.
    1 point
  31. WolfmoonCT

    Your wings were ready.

    So I got an airbrush, so I can do the fades for this. Still learning a good mix for craft paint to not run.. but I think it came out pretty good. So it's about 10x12 from 3/16" maple. Cut with Olson #2/0R blades and a modified Shelia Landry Design. Her original design does not come with the paw prints.
    1 point
  32. Frank Pellow

    Sven, Olaf, and Inga

    These are the names of three (Steve Good designed) gnomes. I made Sven and Olaf last year and they are featured in the Yule display on the top shelf of the large display cabinet at the end of our hall: Most of the (few) visitors to our home this season have noticed and admired Sven and Olaf. This encouraged me to make their sister, Inga. Here is a photo of the three of them: I also decided to make additional sets of the three of them as gifts for our visitors who were most enthusiastic about the two gomes that they saw in our display.
    1 point
  33. Joe W.

    My day at the SS

    My son is a die-hard Packers fan so I found a Steve Good pattern and this will be one of his presents this year. Wood is Poplar and it will be painted with the team colors. Don't know about anyone else, but for me I feel like cutting letters is the hardest cutting. I ain't fast at it, but the end result is it's readable, so it's worth the time it takes me. Used Pegas MGR #1 and #3 blades.
    1 point
  34. Joe W.

    My day at the SS

    I'm always learning something. Got down to the background colors and started with a dye. It wasn't quite right so I took my wife's advise and tried some of her acrylic paint. Between the color still not being right and clumps of paint bits in the paint I decided to put it down and do my exericise while it was still light outside and good weather. While doing that it came to me to try and use colored paper. So here it is. I'm not thrilled with the football color - I think it's darker than it should be and a little blotchy, but hey, my wife likes it and my stepson is color blind, so Happy Wife, Happy life and I'm done. And now this little Santa helper wishes all of you a Merry Christmas!
    1 point
  35. spirithorse

    Wolf pup

    Wow! Great Pattern @Jim Blume and Well cut on a nice piece of wood @Woodrush God Bless! Spirithorse
    1 point
  36. FrankEV

    Wolf pup

    Our furry and feathered friends do make for very nice pattern subjects, don't they? Very nice and well cut.
    1 point
  37. lawson56

    My day at the SS

    Letters are the hardest to gut. You did an Awesome job.
    1 point
  38. wombatie

    My day at the SS

    Well you did an excellent job on the letters. I'm with you Letters are the hardest because you want them to look perfect. You son will love his gift. Marg
    1 point
  39. meflick

    My day at the SS

    Nice work and you are going to make your SIL one happy Packers fan, I still fear letters!
    1 point
  40. Fish

    A Lot of Work Indian

    Very nice! I really like the frame, perfect for the portrait.
    1 point
  41. WolfmoonCT

    Your wings were ready.

    I didn't lose anyone yet. My dogs are still younger. I Just saw it, and figured I know enough people hat have lost one, that someone may want one. I already have to cut 2 more of them.. I have a list of stuff to cut already to keep me busy through Feb at least is my guess.
    1 point
  42. dgman

    Your wings were ready.

    That looks great Kris! Did you plan the layers or were they random? I’m sorry for your loss. My little buddy has been gone for about five years now, and I still miss him every day.
    1 point
  43. SUMATRAN TIGER cut from a slab of natural edge tiger maple. Finished piece is 31" x 11"
    1 point
  44. This project of LEOPARDS was cut from a large piece of natural edge hard maple and the finished project is 36" x 15"
    1 point
  45. Ninuninu

    Tree of Life

    Very nice for a first cutting. You're a natural mate. Tony
    1 point
  46. heppnerguy

    Tree of Life

    Very well done and I like how you added your personal touch to it. You are going to be really fun to watch as you get more into scrolling. with the great creativity you put into your pieces Dick heppnerguy
    1 point
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